Beads of Courage, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization transforming the treatment process for children and teens coping with serious illness through innovative Arts-in-Medicine programs. DONATE TODAY.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Courage Tiger's Road Trip Day 11: #TravelTuesday in China!

Courage Tiger here, dropping in on my day off! Today is #TravelTuesday, so I wanted to share with you another great Beads of Courage supporter who Makes Courage Roar on her adventures! When Melinda was in college, she volunteered with Beads of Courage many times. After college, she left for Nanjing, China to teach English and Psychology for two years. How cool! When she returned she rediscovered her love for Beads of Courage and continued to donate time with us, and boy are we glad!

Melinda recently returned to China for a week to watch her former students graduate. To celebrate, she brought along Courage Tiger and 8 Carry a Bead kits! She went all over the town she used to teach in, and went all over the campus where she once taught.

Thanks Melinda for taking your beads to an amazing place and sharing your story with us. Make Courage Roar by taking your Carry a Bead when you travel! No adventure is too big or too small to share with a child or teen in treatment. Participate in Bead Challenge and Carry a Bead on your own adventure!

Courage Tiger’s 2017 Road Trip is a feature of the 9th Annual Bead Challenge, a three-month nationwide fundraiser and beadraiser for Beads of Courage. As the official Beads of Courage mascot, Courage Tiger is visiting all 50 states to highlight the incredible work our organization does by sharing stories of our courageous members, families, clinicians, and the caring community of artists and supporters who make our vital work possible. Please get involved in Bead Challenge 2017 by visiting today. Sign up to PARTICIPATE as a fundraiser, CREATE glass beads, or DONATE to the cause. With your help, we can Make Courage Roar for kids coping with serious illness! Many thanks to Bead Challenge 2017 presenting sponsor Northwestern Mutual and supporting sponsor Soda Lime Times.

- Contributed by Cristal Rogers, Marketing and Communications Intern, Beads of Courage

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